Java FullStack Spring boot & React app : Backend REST API / 1 - API Set up

Java FullStack Spring boot & React app : Backend REST API / 1 - API Set up


In this tutorial, we'll set up the backend. What you'll learn here are:

  • How to initialize a Spring boot app using the official Spring boot initializer and
  • How to customize a spring boot app port.

Project set up

Our backend API will be named : Easytrans-api. Let's use Spring initializer to initalize the project.

Initialize the project

  1. Go to :
  2. Choose Maven Project , language Java, Spring boot version (2.5.2 while I am writing this article)
  3. In the Project Metadata section, type :
  • Group name : com.codeurinfo; (reminder, conventionally, a maven group id is the project reverse domain name, here our domain name is :
  • Artifact : easytrans-api
  • Name : easytrans-api
  • Description : a beautifull description of yours
  • Package name : com.codeurinfo.easytransapi
  • Packaging : Jar (we'll make use of the embeded tomcat server in spring boot)
  • Java : 8

4 . As for dependencies, we just need four, so in Dependencies section, hit ADD DEPENDENCIES ... and choose these below:

  • Rest Repositories, for Spring Data Rest
  • Spring Data JPA, for JPA
  • H2 Database, embeded database
  • Spring Boot DevTools

Everything must look like this picture:


You just need to hit GENERATE CTRL+ ... to generate the zip file of the project.

Now, unzip the zip file :) in your prefered directory and open it in your IDE.

Using VS Code, just open your editor and go to File -> Open folder then select the project folder.

Our project is ready and must look like this:


Notice the 4 dependencies in the pom.xml file!

Test project

Our project is ready, before we run it, let's remove the file and add application.yml file in the src/main/resources folder.

Let's configure our app port to 9000. So, open the application.yml file and add the below code snipet:

  port: 9000

Now we can run our app, in VS Code, you just open the main java class with @SpringBootApplication annotation and clic Run above the public static void main instruction.

As result, you must have a similar console:


Bravo, our backend is ready. Hope you've learnt something here, if yes please give a like to this tutorial and share it. In the next tutorial, we'll add entity classes and make REST call.

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